Synthesis products

Other Labelled Products

Other labelled products. We offer the following compounds as catalogue products labelled with C-14.
Inquiries for C-13 labelling are also welcome.

Acephate, [S-methyl-14C]

Common Name Structure Unlabelled IUPAC Name Catalogue Code *Position of Labelling Formula Reg. No. Acephate, [S-methyl-14C] (RS)-N-[methoxy(methylthio)-phosphinoyl]acetamide CC-368 C4H10NO3PS 30560-19-1

CC-333 - Bromoxynil octanoate, [ring-U-14C]

Bromoxynil octanoate, [ring-U-14C]


Bromoxynil octanoate, [ring-U-14C]
3,5-dibromo-4-cyanophenyl octanoate

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